تبعا لمنشورنا السابق المتعلق بمنح التميز إيراسموس موندوس، تجدون في القائمة أدناه قائمة محينة لمنح إيراسموس موندوس. ندعو الطلبة المهتمين إلى قراءة دعوات الترشح بعناية قبل تقديم طلب المشاركة. تجدر الإشارة أن عروض الماستر المشتركة إيراسموس موندوس المقدمة من طرف مجموعة جامعات أروبية تفتح المجال لفرص متنوعة فيما يتعلق بالتكوين و التوظيف، وللمترشحين كل الحظوظ للتحصل على المنح المتاحة

فيما يلي قائمة عروض ماستر التميز إيراسموس موندوس المتاحة حاليا

أخر أجل الاسم الكامل لبرنامج الماجستير الاختصار  
07/01/2020 Media Arts Cultures. MediaAC 1
09/01/2020 Marine and maritime Intelligent Robotics MIR 2
09/01/2020 European Master in Law and Economics EMLE 4
10/01/2020 Global Markets, Local Creativities GLOCAL 5
10/01/2020 Master’s programme in Security and Cloud Computing SECCLO 6
10/01/2020 Children’s Literature, Media and Culture CLMC 7
10/01/2020 Erasmus Mundus Masters Journalism, Media and Globalisation (Mundus Journalism) EMMA 8
10/01/2020 Euroculture: Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context EURCULT 9
10/01/2020 International Master in Adult Education for Social Change IMAESC 10
10/01/2020 International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies IMSISS 11
11/01/2020 Excellence in Analytical CHemistry EACH 12
12/01/2020 Re:Anima – European Joint Masters in Animation ReaAnim 13
15/01/2020 Functionalized Advanced Materials & Engineering+ FAME+ 14
15/01/2020 4CITIES+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Urban Studies 4CTS+ 15
15/01/2020 Copernicus Master in Digital Earth CDE 16
15/01/2020 International Master’s Programme on Circular Economy CIRCLE 17
15/01/2020 European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics EMABG 18
15/01/2020 Erasmus Mundus Master Program in Plant Breeding emPLANT 19
15/01/2020 Flood Risk Management FRM 20
15/01/2020 Groundwater and Global Change – Impacts and Adaptation GroundW 21
15/01/2020 International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering IMETE 22
15/01/2020 Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Evolutionary Biology MEME 23
15/01/2020 EMMC in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management SUFONAM 24
15/01/2020 Sustainable Tropical Forestry Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree SUTROFO 25
15/01/2020 Mechatronic Engineering EU4M 26
15/01/2020 Master of Urban Climate and Sustainability MUrCS 27
15/01/2020 Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration SSI+ 28
15/01/2020 European Master in Public Health | Europubhealth+ EPH+ 29
15/01/2020 International Master in Innovative Medicine IMIM 30
15/01/2020 European Master of Science in Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics FUSION 31
16/01/2020 Cultures Littéraires Européennes – CLE CLE 32
17/01/2020 PlantHealth – European Master Degree in PLANT HEALTH IN SUSTAINABLE CROPPING SYSTEMS PlantHe 33
19/01/2020 Tourism Development and Culture TourDC 35
19/01/2020 Advanced Design of Ships and Offshore Structures EMSHIP+ 36
19/01/2020 GrEen NetworkIng And cLoud computing GENIAL 37
20/01/2020 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Food Innovation & Product Design FIPDes 38
20/01/2020 Crossways in Cultural Narratives CWCN 39
20/01/2020 PuppeTry – Puppet Artist Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree PuppeT 40
21/01/2020 Philosophies allemandes et françaises contemporaines: enjeux contemporains PhiAFEC 41
22/01/2020 MSc European Forestry MSc EF 42
22/01/2020 Erasmus Mundus Japan – Master of Science in Imaging and Light in Extended Reality IMLEX 43
23/01/2020 Leading International Vaccinology Education LIVE+ 44
28/01/2020 European Master in Tourism Management EMTM 45
30/01/2020 Economic policies for the global transition EPOG+ 46
31/01/2020 ERASMUS MUNDUS Joint Master in Archaeological Materials Science ARCHMAT 47
31/01/2020 Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis AFEPA 48
31/01/2020 Master Food Identity Food ID 49
31/01/2020 EuroAquae+ EA+ 50
31/01/2020 EMerald Master Course in Resources Engineering EMerald 51
31/01/2020 Electric Vehicle Propulsion & Control E-PiCO 52
31/01/2020 Technology for Translating and Interpreting EM TTI 53
31/01/2020 Erasmus Mundus Master Nanoscience and Nanotechnology EMNano+ 54
31/01/2020 The International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering IMFSE 55
31/01/2020 Joint European Master in Tribology of Surfaces and Interfaces TRIBOS+ 57
31/01/2020 Central and East European, Russian and Eurasian Studies CEERES 58
31/01/2020 South European Studies EUROSUD 59
31/01/2020 European Master in Social work with Families and Children MFAMILY 60
01/02/2020 International Master of Science in Rural Dvelopment IMRD 61
01/02/2020 MSc in Smart Cities and Communities SMACCs 62
01/02/2020 MA Advanced Development in Social Work (ADVANCES) ADVANCE 63
02/02/2020 Infectious Diseases and One Health IDOH+ 64
03/02/2020 Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies GEMMA 65
04/02/2020 EMJMD Image Processing and Computer Vision IPCV 66
06/02/2020 International Master on Wine Tourism Innovation WINTOUR 67
09/02/2020 Master in Materials Science for Energy applications & using Large scale Facilities MAMASELF+ 68
12/02/2020 Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories EMQAL 70
12/02/2020 Techniques, Patrimoine, Territoires de l’Industrie : Histoire, Valorisation, Didactique TPTI 71
14/02/2020 Erasmus Mundus JMD AquaCulture, Environment and Society PLUS (ACES+) ACES+ 72
14/02/2020 Photonics for Security, Reliability and Safety PSRS 73
14/02/2020 Latin America and Europe in a Global World LAGLOBE 74
15/02/2020 Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion + MESC+ 75
15/02/2020 Joint European Master in Surface, Electro, Radiation and Photo-Chemistry + SERP+ 76
15/02/2020 Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling TCCM 77
15/02/2020 Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics QEM2018 78
15/02/2020 Be In Precision Medicine BeinPM 79
15/02/2020 Erasmus Mundus Master in Global Studies – A European Perspective EMGS 81
16/02/2020 Chemical Nano-Engineering CNE 82
16/02/2020 European Master Program in Language and Communication Technologies LCT 83
17/02/2020 European Master in Translational Cosmetic and Dermatological Sciences EMOTION 85
21/02/2020 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Medical Imaging and Applications MAIA 86
23/02/2020 TEMA+ European Territories: Heritage and Development TEMA+ 87
24/02/2020 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy BIOCEB 88
29/02/2020 International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change IMSOGLO 89
29/02/2020 European Master in Palaeontology, Geoheritage, Applications PANGEA 90
29/02/2020 International Master of Science in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management SINReM 91
29/02/2020 European Politics and Society: Vaclav Havel Joint Master Programme EPS 92
01/03/2020 Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry Master’s Course ASC 93
01/03/2020 European master in Biorefinery BIOREF 94
01/03/2020 Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ECT+ 95
01/03/2020 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Sports Ethics and Integrity MAiSI 96
01/03/2020 Europäischer Master für Lexikographie – European Master in Lexicography EMLex 97
02/03/2020 Smart Telecom and Sensing Networks SMARTNE 98
04/03/2020 DYnamics of Cultural LAndscape, Heritage, Memory and conflictualities DYCLAM+ 99
05/03/2020 Photonic Integrated Circuits, Sensors and NETworks PIXNET 100
08/03/2020 SAfe and REliable Nuclear Applications SARENA 101
15/03/2020 European MSc in Marine EnviRonment MER+ 102
15/03/2020 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment REM 103
16/03/2020 EMJMD Architecture, Landscape and Archaeology ALA 104
31/05/2020 Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Cartography CARTO 105